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Integration — Spatie Ray

Ray is a debug tool that was created by Spatie. It is a great alternative to the Symfony VarDumper component especially for Laravel applications. Buggregator is compatible with the Ray, and it's a good free alternative for debugging your applications.

Note: Some of the features of Ray are not available in Buggregator, like colors, sizes, and other visual features.


Ray provides packages for PHP, Ruby, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, Go, and Bash applications. So using it you can dump variables in many languages straight to the Buggregator.


Please make sure ray.php config published to the project root.

You can run an artisan command to publish it in to the project root.

php artisan ray:publish-config

Env variables

RAY_HOST=ray@  # Ray server host (Current HTTP buggregator port)
RAY_PORT=8000           # Ray server port

Framework-agnostic PHP

In framework-agnostic projects you can use this template as the ray config file.

// Save this in a file called "ray.php"

return [
    * This settings controls whether data should be sent to Ray.
    'enable' => true,

     *  The host used to communicate with the Ray app.
    'host' => 'ray@',

     *  The port number used to communicate with the Ray app.
    'port' => 8000,

     *  Absolute base path for your sites or projects in Homestead, Vagrant, Docker, or another remote development server.
    'remote_path' => null,

     *  Absolute base path for your sites or projects on your local computer where your IDE or code editor is running on.
    'local_path' => null,

     * When this setting is enabled, the package will not try to format values sent to Ray.
    'always_send_raw_values' => false,

Other languages

That's it! Now you can use the ray() function as usual. The output will be sent to the remote server.