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Integration — Symfony VarDumper server

Buggregator is fully compatible with the Symfony VarDumper component. This is a big deal for PHP developers because it makes debugging a lot smoother and more intuitive.


What is Symfony VarDumper?

  1. Essential Debugging Tool: Symfony VarDumper is a powerful tool for debugging PHP applications. It helps you inspect and understand PHP variables in a more readable format.

  2. Default Behavior: By default, the dump() and dd() functions output their contents in the same browser window or console terminal as your own application. This can be confusing at times, as it mixes the real output with the debug output.


To use the package, you first need to install it.

Just run the following command in your terminal:

composer require --dev symfony/var-dumper

This command installs the package development-only dependency in your project.


You should change dumper format to server for var-dumper component. There is a VAR_DUMPER_FORMAT env variable in the package to do it.


or via PHP if there is no .env file in your project:

// Plain PHP