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Contributing — Server side

The Server Part is where all the data processing and management happen. It's crucial for handling the information that flows through Buggregator.

  1. Event Processing: This part receives information (like errors or logs) from applications. It organizes and processes these events.

  2. API Communication: It also communicates with clients through REST API, sending and receiving data as needed.

Key Technologies:

It's built on a foundation of robust and reliable technologies, including the Spiral Framework, RoadRunner, and Centrifugo.

  • Spiral Framework - A PHP framework that's the foundation of our server.
  • RoadRunner - Manages different server tasks like HTTP, TCP, queues, and caching.
  • Centrifugo - Handles real-time messaging through WebSockets.

Server requirements

  1. Minimum PHP version: 8.2


  1. Clone repository git clone
  2. Install backend dependencies composer install
  3. Download RoadRunner binary vendor/bin/rr get-binary
  4. Install Centrifugo server cd bin && ./
  5. Run RoadRunner server ./rr serve